Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
GPRS/UMTS Networks
Rule Definition The virtual APN rule definition can be one of the following:
access-gw-address—Specifies the access gateway (SGSN/SGW/Others)
address for the virtual APN. The IP address can be an IPv4 or IPv6
address in decimal notation. IPv6 also supports :: notation for the IP
bearer-access-service—Specifies the bearer access service name for the
virtual APN.
service name—Specifies the service name. Service name is unique
across all the contexts. Value is a string of size 1 to 63.
cc-profile—Specifies the APN for charging characteristics (C C) p rofile
index. Value is an integer from 1 to 15.
Domain name—Specifies the subscriber’s domain name (realm).
Domain name can be from 1 to 79 alpha and/or n um eric ch ar ac ter s.
MCC—Specifies the MCC portion of the PLMN identifier. Value is an
integer between 100 to 999.
MNC—Specifies the MNC portion of the PLMN identifier. Value is an
integer between 100 to 999.
msisdn-range—Specifies the APN for this MSISDN range. The starting
and ending values of the range is a string of size 2 to 15 w ith values
between 00 and 999999999999999.
Rat-Type—Specifies the rat-type option, which could be gan, geran,
hspa, utran, or wlan.
Roaming mode—Specifies the roaming mode, which could be Home,
Visiting, or Roaming.
QCI to DSCP Mapping
QoS class index Denotes a set of transport characteristics used to dif feren tiate v arious pack et
DSCP Denotes a mechanism for classifying and managing network traffic and
providing QoS.
QCI & ARP DSCP Mapping
QoS class index Denotes a set of transport characteristics used to dif feren tiate v arious pack et
Allocation retention
priority Indicates the priority of allocation and retention of the service data flo w . This
parameter allows prioritizing allocation of resources during bearer
establishment and modification. During network traffic congestions, a lo wer
ARP flow is dropped to free up the capacity.
DSCP Denotes a mechanism for classifying and managing network traffic and
providing QoS.
QoS Downlink Traffic Policing
QCI A scalar that denotes a set of transport characteristics and used to infe r nodes
specific parameters that control packet forwarding treatment.
Peak Data Rate The peak data rate allowed, in bytes, for the downlink direction and QoS
traffic class.
Table 25-11 Additional Configuration Details for APN (continued)
Field Description