Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 19 Viewing IP and MPLS Multicast Configurations
Viewing the Multicast Configurations
There are three versions of IGMP:
IGMP Version 1
IGMP Version 2
IGMP Version 3
To view the IGMP profile:
Step 1 Right-click on the required device and choose the Inventory option.
Step 2 In the Inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Multicast > IGMP. The IGMP details are
displayed in the content pane. You can click on the tabs to view more details.
Table 19-5 describes the fields that are displayed in the IGMP profile.
Table 19-5 IGMP Profile Details
Field Name Description
NSF Status The non-stop forwarding status, which can be Normal or Non-Stop
Forwarding Activated.
Note The Non-Stop Forwarding Activat ed status im plies that reco very
of an IGMP failure is in progress.
Interfaces Tab
Interface Name The name of the interface.
Associated Entity The link to the associated entity, which when clicked will highlight the
associated Default routing entity record under the Routing Entity
Interface Address The internet address of the interface.
VRF The VRF to which the interface belongs. This is a link, which when
clicked will take you to the relevant record under the VRF node.
IGMP Status Indicates whether IGMP is enabled or disabled on the interface.
IGMP Version The IGMP version installed on the interface.
Groups Tab
Group Address The add ress of the mu lticas t group.
Interface Name The name of the interface used to reach the group.
Associated Entity The associated entity for the IGMP profile. Click this link to view the
related record under the Subscriber Access Point node.
VRF The VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF) to which the interface
belongs. This is a link, which when clicked will take you to the rele vant
record under the VRF node.
Up Time The period from when the multicast group is available. This information
is displayed in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds.
Expires The duration after which the multicast group will be removed from the
IGMP groups table. This information is displayed in terms of h our s,
minutes, and seconds.
Last Reporter The most recent host that has reported being a member of the multicast