Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
Viewing Operator Policies, APN Remaps, and APN Profiles
Prime Network Vision displays the l ist of APN rem aps configured under the container. You can view the
individual APN remap details from the table on the right pane or by choosing Logical
Inventory > local > Mobile > Profile > APN Remaps > APN Remap.
Table 25-71 describes the details available for each APN remap.
If an APN remap is configured with charging characteristics and NI and OI entries, the details are
displayed in the respective tabs Charging Characteristics and Network And Operator Identifier Entries
on the content pane.
Step 3 If a default APN is configured for the remap, click the Default APN node under the APN remap. You
can view the following details on the content pane.
Table 25-71 APN Remap Properties in Logical Inventory
Field Description
Name Name of the APN remap.
Description Description of the APN remap.
Requested APN network identifier that will be used when no APN is requested.
Wildcard APN for IPv4 Wildcard APN included in the subscriber record, with PDP type as IPv4
Wildcard APN for IPv6 Wildcard APN included in the subscriber record, with PDP type as IPv6
Wildcard APN for
IPv4v6 Wildcard APN included in the subscriber record, with PDP type as both IPv4
and IPv6 contexts.
Wildcard APN for PPP Wildcard APN included in the subscriber record, with PDP type as PPP
Charging Characteristics
Profile Index Profile index in charging characteristics.
Behavior Bit Value Behavior bit in charging characteristics.
APN For Overriding Name of the APN profile that the charging characteristic attributes must be
applied to, to generate CDRs.
Network And Operator Identifier Entries
Requested NI The old network identifier that is being mapped for replacement.
Mapped to NI The new network identifier.
NI Wildcard Replace
String When a wildcard character is included in the old APN network identifier , this
parameter identifies the information to replace the wildcard in the new APN
network identifier.
Requested OI The old operator identifier that i s being mapp ed for re placeme nt.
Mapped to OI The new operator identifier.
OI MNC Replace String When a wildcard character is included in the MNC portion of the old APN
operator identifier, this parameter identifies the information to replace the
wildcard in the new APN operator identifier.
OI MCC Replace String When a wildcard character is included in the MCC portion of the old APN
operator identifier, this parameter identifies the information to replace the
wildcard in the new APN operator identifier.