Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Compliance Audit
Figure 4-14 Compliance Policy Page
The following steps explain the procedure:
You can either create a new policy or you can import an existing policy by clicking the Import icon. You
can export existing policies as XML files to your local drive.
Step 1 Click Create Compliance Policy icon and enter the policy details. The policy is listed in the left pane.
After you add a new policy, you must associate one or more rules to the policy.
Step 2 From the Rule Selector pane, click New Rule icon. For more information on creati ng a new ru le, see
Creating a Rule.
Creating a Rule
For a policy to run against devices and generate violations, you must specify rules within the policy and
define the conditions and the relevant f ix es for viol ation s. Ru les are p latfo rm- spe cif ic. Ea ch pol ic y mu st
contain at least one rule; however, there is no limitation on the number of rules you can define for a
policy. You can also duplicate an existing rule and add to a policy. Click the Duplicate button to clone
a rule. Follow the procedure below to create a rule and add the rule to a specific policy:
1Create Compliance Policy icon 5New Rule icon
2Edit Policy Description icon 6Edit Rule icon
3Import Policy as XML icon 7Duplicate Rule icon.
4Search field 8Filter icon