Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 8 Tracking Faults Using Prime Ne t work Events
Working with Cisco Prime Network Events
Step 3 Click OK to save your filter settings and apply the filter. The filtered entries are displayed in the list
according to the defined criteria.
Removing Filters
To remove a filter:
Step 1 Click Filter in the main toolbar.
Step 2 In the Filter Events dialog box, click Clear. The selected options in the Filter Events dialog box are
Step 3 Click OK. All events are displayed in the list.
Location Network elements to include.
This field is not displayed for Audit events.
Time Beginning and ending dates and times to apply to the filter.
Network Events Advanced Options
Alarm ID Alarm identifier to apply to the filter.
Causing Event ID Identifier of the causing event to apply to the filter.
Ticket ID Ticket identifier to apply to the filter.
Duplication Count Duplication count value to use for filtering.
Reduction Count Reduction count value to use for filtering.
Element Type Filter by the type of element that triggered the event.
Archived Archive status to use for filtering: True or False.
System Events Advanced Options
Command Name String in the command name to use for filtering.
Command Signature String in the command signature to use for filtering.
Command Parameters String in a command parameter to use for filtering.
Originating IP Originating IP address to include or exclude from filtering.
Status Status to use for filtering: Configuring, Fail, Success, or Unknown.
User Name String in the username to use for filtering.
Table 8-22 Cisco Prime Network Events Filter Events Options (continued)
Field Description