Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 26 Monitoring Data Center Configurations Virtualization
Table 26-10 describes the Host Cluster details.
Table 26-10 Host Cluster Details
Field Name Description
Name The name of the host cluster.
Data Center Name The name of the associated data center.
Description The description of the host cluster.
State The status of the host cluster, which can be any one of the following:
Warn ing
DRS Enabled Indicates whether the VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
feature is enabled for the host cluster.
DPM Enabled Indicates whether the VMware Distributed Power Management (DPM)
feature is enabled for the host cluster.
HA Enabled Indicates whether the VMware High Availability (HA) feature is
enabled for the host cluster.
No. of VM Migration The number of virtual machines that have be en migrated from one ser ver
to another within the same cluster.
EVC Mode The Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) mode of the host cluster.
Migration Threshold The migration threshold for the host cluster.
Automation Level Indicates that the placement and migration recommendations run
automatically for the host cluster.
Current Load Std dev The current host load standard deviation for the host cluster.
Target Load Std dev The target hot load standard deviation for the ho st c lust er.
CPU Allocation
Allocatable The maximum CPU allocation for the virtual machine, in GHz.
Reserved The CPU allocation reserved for the virtual machine, in GHz.
Unreserved The unreserved CPU allocation for the virtual machine, in GHz.
Unlimited Provision Indicates whether the unlimited CPU provision is available for the
virtual machine.
Share Relative importance of the virtual mach ine fo r CPU a llo cati on, whic h
could be High, Normal, or Low.
Custom Share Weight The custom share weight assigned to the virtual machine.
Memory Allocation
Allocatable The maximum memory allocation for the virtual machine, in GB.
Reserved The memory allocation reserved for the virtual machine, in GB.
Unreserved The unreserved memory allocation for the virtual machine, in GB.
Unlimited Provision Indicates whether unlimited me mory allo cati on provision is available
for the virtual machine.