Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies
LTE Networks
Viewing the HA Configuration Details
To view the HA configuration details for a foreign agent:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > Context > Mobile > FA > FA
service > HA. The details are displayed in the content pane.
Table 25-48 displays the HA configuration details.
Sequence Mode The mode used to handle the incoming out-of-sequence packets, which can
be any one of the following:
This field defaults to None.
Sequence Numbers Indicates whether GRE sequence numbers must be inserted into the data that
is about to be transmitted over the A10 interface. This option is disabled by
Table 25-47 GRE Configuration Details (continued)
Field Description
Table 25-48 HA Configuration Details
Field Description
HA Monitoring The HA monitoring status of the FA. This option is disabled by default.
AAA-HA Override Indicates whether AAA HA can override Mobile Node during call
establishment for HA assignment.
Dynamic HAFailover Indicates whether failover during call establishment for Home Agent
assignment is allowed.
HA Monitor Interval The time interval (in seconds) to send HA monitoring requests. This time can
be any value between 1 and 36000, and defaults to 30 seconds.
HA Monitor Maximum
Inactivity Time The maximum am oun t of ti me ( in se c onds) wh en there is no M IP tr affic
between FA and HA, which triggers the HA monitoring feature. This time
can be any value between 30 and 600, and defaults to 60 seconds.
HA Monitor Retry
Count The number of times HA monitoring requests are sent before deciding that
the HA is not reachable. This count can be any value between 0 and 10, and
defaults to 5.
FA SPI List Name The name of the SPI list linked with the FA service and configured for the
selected context. Clicking on this link will take you to the relevant list under
the SPI node.
Peer HA Address The IP address of the peer home agent.