Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Working with the Prime Network Vision Client
Prime Network Vision Right-Click Menus
Aggregation Right-Click Menu
The aggregation right-click menu is displayed when you right-click an aggregation in a ma p.
Table 2-25 describes the aggregation right-click menu options.
Link Right-Click Menu
The Link right-click menu is displayed when you right-c li ck a li nk in th e ma p view. For more
information, see Chapter 6, “Working with Links.”
Table 2-26 describes the link right-click menu options.
Table 2-25 Aggregation Right-Click Menu Options
Option Description
Aggregate Groups the selected aggregations into an aggregation in the Pr ime Ne twork
Vision content pane, and enables you to define a name for the new aggregation.
For more information, see Chapter 5, “Working with Prime Network Vision
Disaggregate Ungroups the selected aggregation in the navigation pane and map in the Prime
Network Vision window. All the aggregations in the selected node move up one
level, and the original aggregation is removed. For more information, see
Chapter 5, “Working with Prime Network Vision Maps.”
Rename Renames the selected aggregation.
Resize Defines the size of selected aggregations in a map according to one of four sizes
or according to a percentage of the current size.
Remove from Map Removes the selected aggregation and all its children from th e navigatio n p ane
and the map.
Save as New Map Creates a new map and places the selected aggregation as the root, while lea vi ng
the original map intact.
Run Report Enables you to run standard or user-defined events, inventory, and network
service reports.
Show as
Aggregation /
Displays the aggregation as a single entity or as a collection of items.
The options toggle, depending on whether the aggregation is in a thumbnail or
aggregated view.
Delete Deletes the selected item.
This option is available when the item is marked with the reconciliation icon.
Table 2-26 Link Right-Click Menu Option
Option Description
Properties Displays the properties of the selected link.