Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images
Global Settings and Administration
Check the ProcessesCCM runs on AVM 77. To check, start, stop, or restart the process, use the following commands:
dmctl status
dmctl start
dmctl stop
dmctl restart
Manage JobsPrime Network redirects you to the Jobs page whenever a CM or image management job is scheduled to
run immediately. When a job is created, Cisco Prime Network assigns it a job specificatio n I D a nd
attaches a time stamp, indicating when the job was created. Only the job creator and users with
Administrator privileges can change the job settings.
Prime Network also facilitates automatic e-mail notification of the status of the CM and NEIM jobs upon
completion based on the e-mail option you set up in the configuration and image management settin gs.
The notification is sent to a list of e-mail IDs configured either in the settings page or while scheduling
the job.
Keeps these items in mind when managing jobs:
• All jobs are scheduled based on the server time.
• If you choose two or more jobs and click Reschedule, the opti on defau lts to ‘S tar t a s Soo n as
Possible.’ To view the original time and then reschedule, choose only one job and click Reschedule.
• Job properties cannot be edited; you must delete the old job and c reate a n ew one.
• Jobs are persisted even if the gateway server is restarted.
• Only the job creators and users with Administrator and Configurator privileges can perform the
actions provided on the Jobs page (suspend, resume, reschedule, cancel, delete, refresh).
• Configuration and image management jobs fail under the following conditions:
If the device is not under the scope of the user to perform th e c on fig or ima ge opera ti on.
If the user is not authorized to perform the co nfig or im ag e oper ati on.
For Cisco CPT devices, if the device is not in Cisco IOS mode.
• Running jobs cannot be suspended or cancelled; you must let them complete.
• System-generated jobs cannot be modified. To change the settings, go to Settings > Global Settings
> Period Export Options, and modify the options accordingly.
Proxy Settings Details about proxy server to use when importing images from Cisco.com
HTTP Proxy HTTP proxy server to use for downloading images from Cisco.com.
Port Port address to use for downloading images from Cisco.com.
Vendor Credentials Usernames and passwords that can be used to download images from Cisco.com. (See the procedure
described in Check the Processes, page 4-68)
Table 4-9 Image Management Global Settings (continued)
Field Description