Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 2 Working with the Prime Network Vision Client
Prime Network Vision Menu Bar
Node MenuTable 2-17 describes the Node menu options.
Note Most of the functionality available in this menu is available only when an element icon or an aggregation
is selected in the navigation pane or a map.
Tools MenuTable 2-18 describes the Tools menu options.
Table 2-17 Node Menu Options
Node Menu Option Description
Inventory Displays a dialog box that enables you to view the physical and logical inventory.
For physical inventory, you can view all the components of the device, such as
modules and ports. In addition, you can view the status of each comp one nt. For
logical inventory, you can view all the profiles and virtual channels or routing
tables of the device. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Viewing and
Managing NE Properties.”
Mark as A Side Starts the process of creating a new static link. This option is enabled when a
device, port, or unmanaged network is selected.
Mark as Z Side Launc hes t h e A dd Stati c Li nk dia log bo x, e nabl ing you to cr eat e a sta tic l ink
between the two selected nodes. This option is enabled after a device, port, or
unmanaged network is selected and after the Mark as A Side option is selected.
Note If you select two ports, the Add Static Link dialog box is not disp layed.
Properties Displays a dialog box enabling you to view the properties of the selected device,
such as the severity, IP address, and communicatio n state. Fo r more info rmation,
see Chapter 3, “Viewing and Managing NE Properties.”
Table 2-18 Tools Menu Options
Tools Menu Option Description
Change User
Password Enables you to change the password used when logging into the Prime Network
client application suite. The change takes effect the next time you log into the
Note The administrator can also change a user password in Cisco Prime
Network Administration.
Options Enables you to customize several of Prime Network’s options, such as whether
or not to load the content upon startup. For more information, see Adjusting the
Prime Network Vision GUI Client Settings, page 2-40.