Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies Viewing Operator Policies, APN Remaps, and APN Profiles
Viewing APN Remaps
An APN remap tables allow an operator to override an APN specified by a user, or the APN selected
during the normal APN selection procedure, as specified by 3G PP TS 23.0 60. T his l evel of cont rol
enables operators to deal with situations such as:
An APN is provided in the activation request that does not match with any of the subscribed APNs;
either a different APN was entered or the APN could have been misspell ed. In su ch si tua tio ns, t he
SGSN rejects the activation request. It is possible to correct the APN, creating a valid name so that
the activation request is not rejected.
In some cases, an operator might want to force certain devices or users to use a specific APN. For
example, a set of mobile users may need to be directed to a specific APN. In such situations, the
operator needs to override the selected APN.
An APN remap table group is a set of APN-handling con figuratio ns th at ma y be a pplic ab le to o ne or
more subscribers. When a subscriber requests an APN that has been identified in a selected operator
policy, the parameter values configur ed in th e ass o cia ted APN r em ap tab le ar e ap p lied. For example, an
APN remap table allows configuration of the following:
APN aliasing—Maps incoming APN to a different APN, based on partial string match (MME and
SGSN) or matching charging characteristic (SGSN only).
Wildcard APN—Allows APN to be provided by the SGSN, when wildcard subscription is present
and the user has not requested an APN.
Default APN—Allows a configured default APN to be used, when the requested APN cannot be
APN remap tables are configured with commands in the APN Remap Table configuration mode. A single
APN remap table can be associated with multiple operator policies, but an operator policy can only be
associated with a single APN remap table.
To view APN remap properties in logical inventory:
Step 1 Right-click the required device in Prime Network Vision and choose Inventory.
Step 2 In the logical inventory window, choose Logical Inventory > local > Mobile > > Profile > APN
OI APN Profile Name of the APN profile associated with the operator identifier. An APN
profile groups a set of APN-specific parameters that may be applicable to
one or more APNs. When a subscriber requests an APN that has been
identified in a selected operator policy, the paramet er valu es c onfigured i n
the associated APN profile are applied.
OI APN Profile Indicates whether the OI APN profile associated with the operator policy is
valid or is not created yet (invalid).
Table 25-70 Operator Policies in Logical Inventory (continued)
Field Description