Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 4 Device Configurations and Software Images Software Images
Step 7 You can choose to perform one of the following for each row in the table:
Edit—Modify the boot priority value, the image name, and the configuration file, if required. The
modified boot priority value should be unique.
Delete—Delete the boot configuration priority.
Add Row—Add boot priorities to the existing list. CCM generates boot priority values based on the
inputs provided. Note that only the top ten boot priorities are considered for the device.
Step 8 Click Save. A dialog box appears listing the existing and the modified boot prio ri ties for yo ur
Step 9 Click Save to confirm and apply the boot priority changes.
Step 10 You can then schedule the activation as explained in steps 7 through 13 in the Activate Cisco IOS
Software Images topic.
Perform Cisco IOS XR Software Package Operations
Note We recommend that you do not commit the package change until the device runs with its
configuration for a period of time, until you are sure the change is appro pri at e. In tha t way, the
change is not yet persisted across device reloads.
These topics explain how to perform package operations:
Notes on Cisco IOS XR Packages, page 4-37
Add Cisco IOS XR Packages, page 4-38
Activate, Deactivate, and Delete Cisco IOS XR Packages, page 4-39
Synchronize and Upgrade Satellites for Cisco ASR 9000 Devices, page 4-40
Commit Cisco IOS XR Packages Across Device Reloads, page 4-41
Roll Back Cisco IOS XR Packages, page 4-42

Notes on Cisco IOS XR Packages

Package management includes the add, activate, deactivate, commit, and rollback operations on
Cisco IOS XR devices. Before you perform any of these operations, read the following:
When doing a version upgrade (which upgrades the core package and involves a router reload) on a
Cisco IOS XR device, all of the packages on the router should be upgraded at the same time, as part
of the same job. For example, if the c12k-mini, c12k-mgbl, c12k-mpls, c12k-k9 sec, and c12k-mcast
packages are on the router at version 3.4.1, when upgrading t o version 3.5.0, all of the packages must
be upgraded at the same time to version 3.5.0.
Note An upgrade pie is required only when you upgrade Cisco IOS XR devices fr om version 3 .x t o
4.x. You must deactivate and remove the upgrade pie, if you wish to perform any install
operations, including the install commit operation on the devices upgraded from 3.x to 4.x.