Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 26 Monitoring Data Center Configurations Viewing the Virtual Network Devices of a Data Center
Viewing the Virtual Network Devices of a Data Center
Prime Network supports the following virtual network devices of a data center:
Cisco Cloud Service Router (CSR) 1000v
Virtual Security Gateway

Viewing the CSR 1000v Properties

The Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V is a single-tenant router in virtual form-factor that
delivers comprehensive WAN gateway functionality to multi-tenant provider-hosted clouds. It is a
software router that an enterprise or a cloud provider can deploy as a virtual machine (VM) in a
provider-hosted cloud.The Cisco CSR 1000V provides selected Cisco IOS XE f eat ures on a
virtualization platform. It also provides secure connectivity from the enterprise premise (suc h as a
branch office or data center) to the public or private cloud. Figure 26-10 depicts the deployment of CSR
1000v on a provider hosted cloud:
Figure 26-10 Deployment of CSR 1000v on a Provider Hosted Cloud
The Cisco CSR 1000V serves primarily as a router per tenant. In other words, since the CSR 1000v is
situated on the tenant’s side, each tenant gets its dedicated routing instance and services (along with its
own VPN connections, firewall policies, QoS rules, access control, and so on).
To view the CSR 1000v properties:
Step 1 In Prime Network Vision, open a map that contains the CSR 1000v device.
Step 2 Right-click and choose the Inventory option to open the Inventory window.
Step 3 In the Inventory window, click the device name to view the Element properties as shown in
Figure 26-11. For more information about the properties window, see Viewing the Properties of a
Network Element, page 3-6.