Cisco Prime Network 4.0 User Guide
Chapter 25 Monitoring Mobile Technologies GPRS/UMTS Networks
Committed Data Rate The committed data rate allowed, in bytes, for the downlink direction and
QoS traffic class.
Negotiate Limit Indicates whether negotiation limit is enabled or disabled for the downlink
direction and Qos traffic class.
Rate Limit Indicates whether the rate limit is enabled or disabled for the downlink
direction and Qos traffic class.
Burst Size Auto
Readjust Indicates whether the auto readjustment of burst size is enabled or disabled.
This parameter is used in dynamic burst size calculation, for traffic policing,
at the time of PDP activation of modification.
Burst Size Auto
Readjust Duration The burst size readjustment duration in seconds. Th is paramet er indicates the
number of seconds that the dynamic burst size calculation will last for. This
allows the traffic to be throttled at the negotiated rates.
Peak Burst Size (bytes) The peak burst size allowed, in bytes, for the downlink direction and QoS
Guaranteed Burst Size
(bytes) The guaranteed burst size allowed, in bytes, for the downlink direction and
QoS class.
Exceed Action The action to be taken on packets that exceed the committed data rate , bu t do
not violate the peak data rate. The action could be one of the following:
• Drop
• Lower IP Precedence
• Trans mit
Violate Action The action to be taken on packets that exceed both committed and pea k data
rates. The action could be one of the following:
• Drop
• Lower IP Precedence
• Shape
• Trans mit
QoS Uplink Traffic Policing
QCI A scalar that denotes a set of transport characteristics and used to infe r nodes
specific parameters that control packet forwarding treatment.
Peak Data Rate The peak d ata rate al lo wed , in b ytes, fo r the uplin k directio n and QoS tr af f ic
Committed Data Rate The committed data rate allowed, in bytes, for the uplink direction and QoS
traffic class.
Negotiate Limit Indicates whether negotiation limit is enabled or disabled for the uplink
direction and Qos traffic class.
Rate Limit Indicates whether the rate limit is enabled or disabled for the uplink direction
and Qos traffic class.
Burst Size Auto
Readjust Indicates whether the auto readjustment of burst size is enabled or disabled.
This parameter is used in dynamic burst size calculation, for traffic policing,
at the time PDP.
Table 25-11 Additional Configuration Details for APN (continued)
Field Description