Example: :
CMP Y0,B A,L:$1234 ;compare Y0 and B, save 48-bit A1:A0 value
Explanation of Example: Prior to execution, the 56-bit A accumulator contains the
value $01:234567:89ABCD, the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 contains the value
$000000, and the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234 contains the value $000000. The
execution of the parallel move portion of the instruction, A,L:$1234, moves the 48-bit lim-
ited positive saturation constant $7FFFFF:FFFFFF into the specified long memory loca-
tion by moving the MS 24 bits of the 48-bit limited positive saturation constant ($7FFFFF)
into the 24-bit X memory location X:$1234 and by moving the LS 24 bits of the 48-bit lim-
ited positive saturation constant ($FFFFFF) into the 24-bit Y memory location Y:$1234
since the signed integer portion of the A accumulator was in use.
Condition Codes:
S — Computed according to the definition in A.5 CONDITION CODE COMPUTATION
L — Set if data limiting has occurred during parallel move.
Note: The MOVE A,L:ea operation will result in a 48-bit positive or negative saturation
constant being stored in the specified 24-bit X and Y memory locations if the signed inte-
ger portion of the A accumulator is in use. The MOVE AB,L:ea operation will result in
either one or two 24-bit positive and/or negative saturation constant(s) being stored in the
specified 24-bit X and/or Y memory location(s) if the signed integer portion of the A and/
or B accumulator(s) is in use.
L: Long Memory Data Move L:
Before Execution After Execution
X:$1234 X:$1234
$000000 $7FFFFF
Y:$1234 $:000000 $FFFFFF
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
LF DM T ** S1 S0 I1 I0 SLEU N Z V C