<< I/O Short Addressing Mode Force Operator
< Short Addressing Mode Force Operator
> Long Addressing Mode Force Operator
# Immediate Addressing Mode Operator
#> Immediate Long Addressing Mode Force Operator
#< Immediate Short Addressing Mode Force Operator
Addressing Mode Operators
DM Double Precision Multiply Bit Indicating if the Chip is in Double Precision Multiply Mode
LF Loop Flag Bit Indicating When a DO Loop is in Progress
T Trace Mode Bit Indicating if the Tracing Function has been Enabled
S1, S0 Scaling Mode Bits Indicating the Current Scaling Mode
I1, I0 Interrupt Mask Bits Indicating the Current Interrupt Priority Level
Mode Register (MR) Symbols
S Block Floating Point Scaling Bit Indicating Data Growth Detection
L Limit Bit Indicating Arithmetic Overflow and/or Data Shifting/Limiting
E Extension Bit Indicating if the Integer Portion of A or B is in Use
U Unnormalized Bit Indicating if the A or B Result is Unnormalized
N Negative Bit Indicating if Bit 55 of the A or B Result is Set
Z Zero Bit Indicating if the A or B Result Equals Zero
V Overflow Bit Indicating if Arithmetic Overflow has Occurred in A or B
C Carry Bit Indicating if a Carr y or Borrow Occurred in A or B Result
Condition Code Register (CCR) Symbols
Standard Definitions (Table A-5 in Section A.5 Describes Exceptions)
Table A-1 Instruction Description Notation (Continued)