Program 20 : System Option Setup
20-16 : Selectable Display Messages
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆991
When using i-Series telephones on the Aspire system, not all the same characters are available.
Refer to the following chart for the i-Series characters:
With Software 2.05+:
Use this keypad digit . . . When you want to. . .
1 Enter characters:
1 @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { | } →→
→→ ←←
←← Á À Â Ã Ç É Ê ì ó
2 Enter characters A-C, a-c, 2.
3 Enter characters D-F, d-f, 3.
4 Enter characters G-I, g-i, 4.
5 Enter characters J-L, j-l, 5.
6 Enter characters M-O, m-o, 6.
7 Enter characters P-S, p-s, 7.
8 Enter characters T-V, t-v, 8.
9 Enter characters W-Z, w-z, 9.
0 Enter characters:
0 ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) ô Õ ú ä ö ü α ε θ
* Enter characters:
* + , - . / : ; < = > ? π ∑ σ Ω ∞ ¢ £
# # = Accepts an entry (only required if two letters on the same key are needed - ex: TOM).
Pressing # again = Space. (In system programming mode, use the right arrow soft key
instead to accept and/or add a space.)
CONF Clear the character entry one character at a time.
CLEAR Clear all the entries from the point of the flashing cursor and to the right.
With Software 2.05+ and i-Series Phones:
Use this keypad digit . . . When you want to. . .
1 Enter characters:
1 @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { | } →→
→→ ←←
←← å blank blank blank blank blank
blank blank blank
2 Enter characters A-C, a-c, 2.
3 Enter characters D-F, d-f, 3.
4 Enter characters G-I, g-i, 4.
5 Enter characters J-L, j-l, 5.
6 Enter characters M-O, m-o, 6.
7 Enter characters P-S, p-s, 7.
8 Enter characters T-V, t-v, 8.
9 Enter characters W-Z, w-z, 9.
0 Enter characters:
0 ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) blank blank blank ä ö ü α ε θ
* Enter characters:
* + , - . / : ; < = > ? π ∑ σ Ω ∞ ¢ £
# # = Accepts an entry (only required if two letters on the same key are needed - ex: TOM).
Pressing # again = Space.
CONF Clear the character entry one character at a time.
CLEAR Clear all the entries from the point of the flashing cursor and to the right.