Program 14 : Trunk, Basic Setup
14-02 : Analog Trunk Data Setup
878 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
14-02 : Analog Trunk Data Setup
Use Program 14-02 : Analog Trunk Data Setup to set the basic options for each analog trunk
port. Refer to the chart below for a description of each option, its range and default setting.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
• Item 16 requires software 4.0E+. • Item 16 requires software 4.0E+.
Trunk Port Number Aspire S: 1-8
Aspire: 001-200
No. Item Input Data Default Related
01 Signaling Type (DP/DTMF)
This option sets the signaling type for the trunk. 0 = Dial Pulse (10 PPS)
1 = Dial Pulse (20 PPS)
2 = DTMF
02 Ring Detect Type
This option sets Extended Ring Detect or Immediate
Ring Detect for the trunk. For T1 loop/ground start
trunks, this option must be set to ‘1’ in order for the
trunks to ring and lamp correctly.
0 = Normal/delayed
1 = Immediate ringing 0
03 Flash Types
This option to select the flash type (open loop flash
or ground). Always set this option for open loop
0 = Open Loop Flash
1 = Ground 0
04 Flash For Timed Flash or Disconnect
This option lets you use Flash for Timed Flash (Pro-
gram 81-01-14) or Disconnect (Program 81-01-15).
(A user implements Flash by pressing the FLASH
key while on a trunk call.)
0 = Timed flash/Hooking
1 = Disconnect 0 81-01-14
05 Dial Tone Detection for Directly Accessed Trunks
Use this option to enable/disable dial tone detection
for directly accessed trunks. If disabled, the system
outdials on the trunks without monitoring for dial
0 = Dial Tone Detection
not used
1 = Dial Tone Detection
0 21-01-04
06 Pause at 1st digit after line seize in manual dial
mode 0 = No Pause
1 = Pause 1 21-01-06