Introduction to Programming
Before You Start Programming
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆713
Using Soft Keys For ProgrammingEach Aspire display telephone provides interactive soft keys for intuitive feature access. The
options for these keys will automatically change depending on where you are in the system pro-
gramming. Simply press the Soft Key located below the option you wish and the display will
change accordingly.
Pressing the VOLUME ▲ or VOLUME ▼ will scroll between the menus.
What the Soft Key Display Prompts MeanWhen using a display phone in programming mode, you will see various Soft Key options dis-
played. These keys will allow you to easily select, scan, or move through the programs.
Program Mode
Base Service OP1 OP2
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍_
Program Mode
Hard Mtnance
❍ ❍ ❍ ❍Soft key Display Prompts
If you press this Soft Key . . . The system will. . .
back Go back one step in the program display.
You can press VOLUME ▲ or VOLUME ▼ to scroll
forwards or backwards through a list of Programs.
↑↑ Scroll down through the available programs.
↓↓ Scroll up through the available programs.
select Select the currently displayed program.
←← Move the cursor to the left.
→→ Move the cursor to the right.
11 Move back through the available program options.
11 Move forward through the available program options.