4◆Features Aspire Software Manual
Port Assignments: How the System Assigns Ports to the PCBs
Port Calculation for Trunks:
With the 4COIU-LS1, 8 COIU-LS1, 4COIU-LG1, 8COIU-LG1, 4DIOPU-A1, 8DIOPU-A1,
2BRIU, 4BRIU, and 8BRIU PCBs, the system detects the type of PCB (trunk or extension)
and assigns the required extension or trunk ports to the slot. The system will use the next
available port numbers - it will not reserve any ports.
The T1/PRI PCB assigns the first 24 consecutive trunk ports.
The VoIP PCBs (4VOIPU, 4VOIPDB, 16VOIPU, and 16VOIPDB) are assigned trunks ports
appropriate to the PCB. For example, the 4VOIPU uses 4 trunk ports - the 16VOIPU uses 16
trunk ports. If all the ports for the PCB will not be used, they can be undefined in Program 10-
03-01, but the ports are still reserved for use by the VoIP PCB.
Port Calculation for Extensions:
With the 8/16/32ESIU or 8SLIU PCBs, the system detects the type of PCB (trunk or exten-
sion) and assigns the required number of extension ports for the PCB to the slot. For example,
the 8ESIU will have 8 station ports assigned - the 16ESIU will have 16 ports assigned.