Aspire Software Manual Features ◆399
System Alarm Reports
Basic Programming
➻90-10-01 : System Alarm Setup - Alarm Type
Assign a status to system alarms (001-100). You can designate an alarm as Major or Minor
(0=no notification, 1=major alarms displayed, 2=minor alarms displayed).
➻90-10-02 : System Alarm Setup - Report
This program assigns whether or not the alarm is displayed to a key telephone and whether or
not the alarm information is reported to the pre-defined destination (0=no report, 1=report).
➻90-11-01 : System Alarm Report - System Alarm Display Telephone
Assign the display keyset’s extension number that should receive system alarms.
➻90-12-05 : System Alarm Output - Clear All Alarm Reports
Entering 1 will clear all alarm reports.
➻90-12-06 : System Alarm Output - Output Mode
Select either manual (0) or automatic (1) alarm reports.
➻90-24-01 - 90-24-04 : System Alarm Report Notification Time Setup
Set the month (00=disabled, 01-12), day (00-31), hour (00-23), and minute (00-59) that the
alarm report should print. Up to 12 time settings can be programmed (01-12). This report will
indicate both major and minor alarms.
Printing Reports - in addition to the Basic Programming above
➻90-12-01 : System Alarm Output - Output Port Type
Define the output port to be used as the output for system alarm report (0=no setting,
1=NTCPU COM port, 2=NTCPU USB port, 4=CTA/CTU adapter). Set the baud rate for the
COM port in Program 10-21-02. The system can have up to 50 reports.
➻90-12-02 : System Alarm Output - Destination Extension Number
If the output port (90-12-01) is a CTA or CTU, enter the extension number with the CTA/CTU
➻90-12-03 : System Alarm Output - Output All Alarm Reports
Entering 1 will print all the alarm reports.
➻90-12-04 : System Alarm Output - Printout New Alarm Reports
Entering 1 will print all new alarm reports.
EMailing Reports - in addition to the Basic Programming above
➻10-12-01 : NTCPU Network Setup - IP Address
Select the IP address for the IP connection (default: A static IP address is
required by the NTCPU. The system must be reset in order for the change to take effect.
➻10-12-02 : NTCPU Network Setup - Subnet Mask
Select the Subnet Mask to be used by the IP server (default:
➻10-12-03 : NTCPU Network Setup - Default Gateway
If required, select the default gateway IP address to be used when using a router
➻90-11-02 : System Alarm Report - Report Method
When alarm reports are to be EMailed, set this option to “1”.
➻90-11-06 : System Alarm Report - SMTP Name
Set the SMTP name or IP address (up to 255 characters/numbers) (ex: smtp.yourisp.com).
Contact your ISP (internet service provider) for the correct entry if needed.