Abbreviated Dialing
74 Features Aspire Software Manual
Using a Programmable Function Key
To streamline frequently-called numbers, an Abbreviated Dialing Programmable Function Key can
also store an Abbreviated Dialing bin number. When the extension user presses the key, the phone
automatically dials out the stored number. This provides true one-touch calling via a phone’s func-
tion keys.
Default Setting
Available. There are no Group Abbreviated Dialing bins assigned.
11-10-04 : Service Code Setup (for System Administrator) - Storing Common
Abbreviated Dialing Numbers
If required, change the service code (853) used to store Common Abbreviated Dialing numbers.
11-10-05 : Service Code Setup (for System Administrator) - Storing Group Abbreviated
Dialing Numbers
If required, change the service code (854) used to store Group Abbreviated Dialing numbers.
13-01-01 : Abbreviated Dialing Function Setup - Abbreviated Dialing Auto Outgoing
Call Mode
Determine if dialing an Abbreviated Dialing number will dial an outside number (seizing a
trunk as dened in Program 13-05) or an Intercom number (0=trunk dialing mode, 1=exten-
sion dialing mode).
13-01-03 : Abbreviated Dialing Function Setup - Common Abbreviated Dialing Bins
Designate the bins the system will use for Common Abbreviated Dialing. When using 4-digit
bins (1000-2000), remember that these must be dialed using the keyset’s Soft Keys.
13-02-01 : Group Abbreviated Dialing Bins
Designate the bins the system will use for Group Abbreviated Dialing. The system assigns the
group numbers in sets of 10 (start bin: xxx0 - end bin: xxx9).
13-03-01 : Abbreviated Dialing Groups for Extensions
For Group Abbreviated Dialing, assign extensions to Abbreviated Dialing groups.
Aspire S Abbreviated Dialing Groups: 1-8
Aspire Abbreviated Dialing Groups: 1-64
13-04-01 : Abbreviated Dialing Number and Name
Enter the Common and Group Abbreviated Dialing numbers and names.
13-05-01 : Abbreviated Dialing Trunk Group
For each Common Abbreviated Dialing number, enter the routing option. To use ARS or
Trunk Group Routing, enter 9. To use a specic Trunk Group, enter the group number.
Aspire S Trunk Groups: 1-8
Aspire Trunk Groups: 1-100
14-02-06 : Analog Trunk Data Setup - Pause Time
Enable/disable the systems ability to pause after dialing the rst digit.
15-02-04 : Abbreviated Dialing DIAL Key Control
Assign the extensions’ DIAL key for either Common (0) or Group (1) Abbreviated Dialing.