Program 10 : System Configuration Setup
10-24 : Daylight Savings Setup772 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
10-24 : Daylight Savings Setup
Use Program 10-24 : Daylight Savings Setup to set the options for daylight savings. As the tele-
phone system is used globally, these settings define when the system should automatically adjust
for daylight savings as it applies to the region in which the system is installed.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
No. Item Input Data Default Related
01 Daylight Savings Mode
Enable (1) or disable (0) the system’s
ability to adjust the time for daylight
savings/standard time.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable 1
02 Time for Daylight Savings
Enter the time of day the system should
adjust for daylight savings time.
0000-2359 0200
03 Start of Month (Summer Time)
Enter the month of system should adjust
the time for daylight savings time (01 -
1-12 4
04 Start of Week
Enter the week of the month the system
should adjust the time for daylight sav-
ings time (0 = last week of the month or
0 = Last Week of Month
1-5 1
05 Start of Week Day
Enter the day of the week the system
should adjust the time for daylight sav-
ings time (01 = Sunday, 02 = Monday,
1-7 (Sun=1, Mon=2, etc.) 1
06 End of Month
Enter the month of system should adjust
the time for standard time (01 - 12).
1-12 10
07 End of Week
Enter the week of the month the system
should adjust the time for standard time
(0 = last week of the month or 1-5).
0 = Last Week of Month
1-5 0
08 End of Week Day
Enter the day of the week the system
should adjust the time for daylight sav-
ings time (01 = Sunday, 02 = Monday,
1-7 (Sun=1, Mon=2, etc.) 1