Program 41 : ACD Setup
41-19 : Voice Mail Delay AnnouncementAspire Software Manual Programming ◆1289
41-19 : Voice Mail Delay Announcement
Use Program 41-19 : Voice Mail Delay Announcement to assign voice mail ACD Announcement
Mailboxes as the message source for the 1st and 2nd Announcement Messages. This option is only
applicable to ACD Overflow Modes 1, 4, 5 and 9 with announcement type 2 [Program 41-08-03]).
This can also work with modes 2, 3, and 8, but Program 41-08-03 must be set to “0”. Refer to Pro-
gram 41-08 for more on setting up the ACD overflow options.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
SA • Not Available. • Available.
ACD Group No 01-64
No. Item Input Data Default
01 Delay Message Start Timer
Determine how long the system waits before playing the Delay Message. 0-64800 0
02 Mailbox Number for 1st Announcement Message
Assign voice mail ACD Announcement Mailbox as the message source for
the 1st Announcement Message. This option is only applicable to ACD
Overflow Modes 1, 4, 5 and 9 (source 0/type2). Use Program 41-08 to set
up the ACD overflow options.
Dial (Up to 8 digits) No Setting
03 1st Delay Message Sending Count
Determine the 1st Delay Message Sending Count. This entry must be set to
1 or higher in order for the message to play.
0 = No Message
04 Mailbox Number for 2nd Announcement Message
Assign voice mail ACD Announcement Mailboxes as the message source
for the 2nd Announcement Message. This option is only applicable to ACD
Overflow Modes 1, 4, 5 and 9 (source 0/type2). Use Program 41-08 to set
up the ACD overflow options.
Dial (Up to 8 digits) No Setting
05 2nd Delay Message Sending Count
Determine the 2nd Delay Message Sending Count. This entry must be set
to 1 or higher in order for the message to play.
0 = No Message
06 Wait Tone Type at Message Interval
Define the what the caller will hear between the messages. 0 = Ring Back Tone
1 = MOH Tone
2 = BGM Source
07 ACD Forced Disconnect Time After 2nd Announcement
Assign how long the system should wait after the end of the ACD delay
message before disconnecting.
0-64800 60
08 Delayed Message Interval Time
Set the timer for the interval between the Delayed
0-64800 20