Program 47 : IntraMail
47-06: Master Subscriber Mailbox Options
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1345
47-06: Master Subscriber Mailbox Options
Use 47-06: Master Subscriber Mailbox Options to set up a Master Mailbox assigned as a Sub-
scriber Mailbox in 47-03-03: Master Mailbox Type.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Not Available for Aspire L/XL.
Aspire M requires software 4.93+.
• Item 13 available with software 2.64+.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 Number of Messages
(Number of Messages)
Use this option to set the maximum number of messages that can
be left in the Subscriber Mailbox. If a caller tries to leave a mes-
sage once this limit is reached, they hear, “That mailbox is full.”
IntraMail then hangs up.
0-99 messages
To conserve storage
space, enter 0 for all
unused mailboxes.
02 Message Playback
(Message Playback)
Use this option to set the Subscriber Mailbox message playback
order. When a subscriber listens to their messages, IntraMail can
play the oldest messages first (first-in-first-out, or FIFO), or the
newest messages first (last-in-first-out, or LIFO).
0 (FIFO -
first-in-first-out, or old-
est messages first).
1 (LIFO -
last-in-first-out, or
newest messages first).
0 (FIFO)
03 Auto Erase/Save of Messages
(Auto Erase/Save)
Use this option to determine what happens when a Subscriber
Mailbox user completely listens to a new message and then exits
their mailbox without either saving (SA) or erasing (E) the mes-
sage. Depending on the setting of this option, IntraMail will either
automatically save or erase the message. If the mailbox user
hangs up before listening to the entire new message, IntraMail
retains the message as a new message.
0 (Erase)
After the subscriber lis-
tens to the entire new
message and hangs up,
IntraMail erases the
1 (Save)
After the subscriber
listens to the entire new
message and hangs up,
IntraMail saves the
1 (Save)
04 Message Retention
(Message Retention)
Use this option to determine how long a Subscriber Mailbox will
retain held and saved messages. If a message is left in a Sub-
scriber Mailbox longer than this interval, IntraMail deletes it.
1-90 days
0 (Indefinite) 0 (Indefinite)