Introduction to Programming
Before You Start Programming
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆711
Programming Names and Text MessagesSeveral programs (e.g., Program 20-16: Selectable Display Messages) require you to enter text. Use
the following chart when entering and editing text. When using the keypad digits, press the key once
for the first character, twice for the second character, etc. For example, to enter a C, press key “2”
three times. Press the key six times display the lower case letter. The name can be up to 12 digits
With Software Prior to 2.05:
Key for Entering Names
Use this keypad digit . . . When you want to. . .
1 Enter characters:
1 @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ‘ { | } ←←
←← →→
Press repeatedly to scroll through the list. After selecting your entry, press the
next letter or use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
2 Enter characters A-C, a-c, 2. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or
use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
3 Enter characters D-F, d-f, 3. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or
use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
4 Enter characters G-I, g-i, 4. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or use
the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
5 Enter characters J-L, j-l, 5. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or use
the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
6 Enter characters M-O, m-o, 6. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or
use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
7 Enter characters P-S, p-s, 7. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or
use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
8 Enter characters T-V, t-v, 8. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or use
the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
9 Enter characters W-Z, w-z, 9. After selecting your entry, press the next letter or
use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
0 Enter characters:
0 ! “ # $ % & ‘ ( )
Press repeatedly to scroll through the list. After selecting your entry, press the
next letter or use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
* Enter characters:
* + , - . / : ; < = > ?
Press repeatedly to scroll through the list. After selecting your entry, press the
next letter or use the left scroll or right scroll Soft Key to move the cursor.
Soft Key Left/Right
Accepts an entry (only required if two letters on the same key are needed - ex: TOM)
and moves cursor in the arrows direction.
CONF Clear the character entry one character at a time.
CLEAR Clear all the entries from the point of the flashing cursor and to the right.