Program 47 : IntraMail
47-14 : Master Directory Mailbox Options
1374 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
47-14 : Master Directory Mailbox Options
Use 47-14: Master Directory Mailbox Options to set up the Master Mailbox assigned as a Direc-
tory Dialing Mailbox in 47-03-03: Master Mailbox Type.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available with software 2.64+. • Not Available for Aspire L/XL.
Aspire M requires software 4.93+.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 Minimum Number of Letters Required
Use this option to specify the minimum number of letters the
caller should dial in order to be routed by the Directory Dialing
Mailbox. Callers must dial this minimum number of letters, fol-
lowed by #.
1-3 1
02 Directory List Number to Use
Use this option to specify which Directory List the Directory
Dialing Mailbox should use. The Directory Dialing Mailbox
can only call Subscriber Mailboxes that are in the list specified
by this option.
1-8 (lists 1-8) 1 (list 1)
03 Extension Name Match
Use this option to determine which portion of the extension’s
programmed name Directory Dialing will be used to route the
call. The setting you choose in this option depends on how you
set up 47-01-16 : IntraMail Basic Options - Name Format.
For example, if 47-01-16 was set to last/first (2) and 47-14-03
was set to first (1), an entered name of “Mary Jones” would be
routed by “Jones”, not “Mary”. If 47-01-16 was set to first/last
(1) and 47-14-03 was set to first (1), Directory Dialing would
route by “Mary”.
1 (first) or 2 (last) 1 (first)
04 Unscreened or Screened Transfer
Use this option to define the action Directory Dialing uses
when routing a call.
0 = Screened Transfer
1 = Unscreened Transfer 0
05 Screened Transfer Timeout
Use this option to set how long a Screened Transfer (STRF)
from the Directory Dialing Mailbox will ring an unanswered
extension before recalling.
• The 24-02-04 : System options for Transfer - Transfer
Recall Time interval has no interaction with this timer.
0 = no recall
1-255 seconds 15 (seconds)