Group Call Pickup
Aspire Software Manual Features ◆339
Group Call Pickup
Group Call Pickup allows an extension user to answer a call ringing an extension in a Pickup
Group. This permits co-workers in the same work area to easily answer each other’s calls. The
user can intercept the ringing call by dialing a code or pressing a programmed Group Call Pickup
key. If several extensions within the group are ringing at the same time, Group Call Pickup inter-
cepts the call based on the extension’s priority within the Pickup Group.
With Group Call Pickup, a user can intercept the following types of calls:
●A call ringing the user’s own pickup group
●A call ringing another pickup group when the user knows the group number
●A call ringing another pickup group when the user doesn’t know the group number
A Call Pickup Group cannot have an associated name.
Default Setting
➻15-07-01 : Programmable Function Keys
Assign Group Call Pickup keys:
Code 24 for an extension’s own Pickup Group and ring group calls (Service Code *#)
Code 25 for a phone ringing in another Pickup Group (Service Code 869)
- used when the caller doesn’t know the group number
Code 26 (+ group) for a phone ringing in another specific Pickup Group (Service Code 868)
➻20-06-01 : Class of Service for Extensions
Assign a Class Of Service to an extension (1-15).
➻20-10-01 : Class of Service Options (Answer Service) - Group Call Pickup Within Group
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to pick up
calls ringing their pickup group (Service Code *#).
➻20-10-02 : Class of Service Options (Answer Service) - Group Call Pickup from Another
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to pick up
calls ringing telephones that are not in their pickup group (Service Code 869).
➻20-10-03 : Class of Service Options (Answer Service) - Group Call Pickup for Specific
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to pick up
calls ringing a specific group (Service Code 868).
➻20-10-04 : Class of Service Options (Answer Service) - Group Call Pickup
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to use Group
Call Pickup.
Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
• Available - 8 Call Pickup Groups. • Available - 64 Call Pickup Groups.