Program 90 : Maintenance Program
90-02 : Setting the Programming Password
1502 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
90-02 : Setting the Programming Password
Use Program 90-02 : Setting the Programming Password to set the system passwords. For pass-
word entry purposes, the system allows 8 users to be defined. Each user can have a:
●Unique alphanumeric name (up to 10 alphanumeric characters long.
●Password entry of up to 8 digits (using 0-9, # and *)
●Password level
The “IN” level password is used by the “System Installer” for system programming purposes. The
“SA” or “SB” level password cannot access the “IN” level programs. The reverse type (white on
black) just beneath the Description heading is the program’s access level. You can only use the pro-
gram if your access level meets or exceeds the level the program requires. (“SA” level password
can access to “SA” or “SB” programs, and “SB” level password can access to “SB” programs only.)
!! Caution !!
It is NOT recommended to change this data unnecessarily. If the digits are changed and then forgot-
ten, there may be no normal way to enter the program mode again.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
User Number 1-8
Item No. Item Input Data
01 User Name Max. 10 characters
02 Password Up to 8 digits
03 User Level 0 = Prohibited user
1 = MF (Manufacturer level)
2 = IN (Installer level)
3 = SA (System administrator level 1)
4 = SB (System administrator level 2)