Program 47 : IntraMail
47-04: Master Call Routing Mailbox OptionsAspire Software Manual Programming ◆1341
47-04: Master Call Routing Mailbox Options
Use 47-04: Master Call Routing Mailbox Options to set up a Master Mailbox (01-16) assigned as
a Call Routing Mailbox in 47-03-03: Master Mailbox Type.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available with software 2.50+. • Not Available for Aspire L/XL.
Aspire M requires software 4.93+.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 Dial Action Table
(Dial Action Table)
Use this option to assign the Dial Action Table to the Call Rout-
ing Mailbox. The Dial Action Table defines the dialing options
for the call Routing Mailbox.
1-16 (Dial Action
Table 1-16) 1
(Dial Action
Table 1)
02 Screened Transfer Timeout
(Scrn Trf Timeout
Use this option to set how long a Screened Transfer (TRF) from
the Automated Attendant will ring an unanswered extension
before recalling.
This option has a similar function as Customize: Mailbox
Options: Call Routing: [Call Handling] Options: Delay Rings
Before Redirect Transfer in Aspire Mail.
0-255 seconds
Entering 0 causes
immediate recall.
15 seconds
03 Time Limit for Dialing Commands
(Dialing Timeout)
This option determines how long IntraMail will wait for an
Automated Attendant caller to dial before routing the call to the
Timeout destination.
Be sure your Dial Action Tables have a Timeout action
If the caller waits too long to dial:
When the associated Dial Action Table has a Timeout action
programmed, the caller routes to that destination.
When the associated Dial Action Table does not have a Timeout
action programmed, the Instruction Menu repeats 3 times and
then IntraMail hangs up.
0-99 seconds
Entering 0 causes the Auto-
mated Attendant to imme-
diately route callers to the
Timeout destination pro-
grammed in the active Dial
Action Table.
5 seconds
04 Fax Detection
(Fax Detection)
Use this option to enable or disable Fax Detection for the Call
Routing Mailbox. In enabled, the IntraMail Automated Atten-
dant (when using this Call Routing Mailbox) will detect incom-
ing fax CNG tone. The fax call will then route to the company
fax machine according to the setting of 47-01-06 : Fax Exten-
sion. If disabled, the Automated Attendant will not detect
incoming fax calls.
1 (Yes - enabled)
0 (No - disabled) 0 (No -