Aspire XL
110 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
●Power Supply Cabinet (IP1WW-XLPS CABINET/
For the IP1WW-PSADU-A1) - P/N 0890068
IP1WW-XLPSU CABINET can contain maximum two
The cabinet accommodates up to two AC/DC
power supplies. This cabinet is to be installed as the
bottom cabinet of a 3-cabinet system (the top two
cabinets containing the NTCPU, DC/DC Converters,
and PCBs).
Refer to the Aspire XL Installation Instructions, P/N
0893113, for details on installing the power supplies and
●32ESIU (IP1WW-32ESIU-PR2 / 32-Port Digital Sta-
tion Interface) - P/N 0891058
The 32ESIU can be installed with a maximum of twelve
PCBs per Aspire XL system (8 maximum per cabinet).
Only the first 4 ports on each PCB allow the use of the B2
channel. This means that the APR(B2 mode) adapter or
PGDAD module must be installed on one of these first 4
Aspire XL systems can accommodate 384 TDM station
ports maximum for -48V with two power supplies (P/N
0890069) installed. The PCBs which require -48V are: ESIU, DSTU, SLIU, DSIU, BRIU,
If the system has more than 256 ports, and both cabinets have more than 128 -48V ports each,
an additional AC/DC and DC/DC Converter is required in the power supply cabinet.
New AC/DC Supply + DC/DC Converter can accommodate 256 ports max. for -48V in one
If both new AC/DC +DC/DC Converters are installed, then 384 Ports max. (greater than 128
Ports in each cabinet) are supported by -48V output.
The 32ESIU can be installed in an Aspire M/L system, however, note the following
●Up to four 32ESIU cards can be supported in one cabinet without the need to
change existing power supplies (P/N 0891000).
●The Aspire M/L system can accommodate 128 ports maximum for -48V with two
power supplies (P/N 0891000) in one cabinet.
If 4 32ESIU’s are used with two Aspire M/L power supplies, no other PCB which
requires -48V (ESIU, DSTU, SLIU, DSIU, BRIU, DIOPU) can be installed in that
●Using the 32ESIU PCBs does not increase the number of digital/analog ports - the
limit remains at 512 (256 analog/digital and 256 IP and Wireless).
●The 32ESIU can be used with any version of the NTCPU/PAL chip.