Program 84 : Hardware Setup for VoIP
84-01 : CODEC Information Basic Setup
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1439
Program 84 : Hardware Setup for VoIP
84-01 : CODEC Information Basic Setup
Use Program 84-01 : CODEC Information Basic Setup to define the data of H.323 trunks. These
settings apply to IP Networking and H.323 Trunks.
Note that the value of Item 33 (Audio Capability Priority) determines which CODEC settings to
use. This means, for example, that if G.711 is selected in Item 33, the settings in Items 5-12 and 19-
21 will be ignored.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
• Items 60 and 61 available.
• Item 62 available with software 2.63+.
• Items 60 and 61 available with software
1.18+. Requires VOIPU PCB firmware
• Item 62 available with software 2.63+.
No. Item Input Data Default Description
01 -- Not Used --
02 Number of G711 Audio Frame 2 = 20 ms
3 = 30 ms 3 Maximum number of G711 Audio
03 G711 Silence Detection Mode 0:Disable
1:Enable 0Define whether the silence detection
enables on G711 or not
04 G711 type 0:A-law
1: u-law 1Set the type of G711
(A-law or u-law)
05 G729 Audio Frame 1 = 10 ms
2 = 20 ms
3 = 30 ms
4 = 40 ms
5 = 50 ms
6 = 60 ms
7 = 70 ms
8 = 80 ms
3 Maximum number of G729 Audio
06 G729 0:Disable
1:Enable 0
07 G.729 Jitter Buffer Minimum 0-500 ms 30
08 G.729 Jitter Buffer Type 0-500 ms 60
09 G.729 Jitter Buffer Maximum 0-500 ms 120
10 -- Not Used --