Program 92 : Copy Program
92-06 : Fill Extension Data1564 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
92-06 : Fill Extension Data
Use Program 92-06 : Fill Extension Data to fill program entries for a range of extensions to the
same as a designated source extension. In addition, program data can be deleted for a range of ports
(see Program 92-07).
Input Data
The Fill program can be used only with the following programs:
(A.) With the Fill function, if the data is out of range, the display will show "Invalid Data" and
allow you to reenter the range.
(B.) If data to be filled is duplicate data, the display will show "Fail to fill" and allow you to reenter
the range.
Feature Cross Reference
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available with software 4.93+. • Available with software 4.93+.
Item No. Item Input Data
01 Fill Extension Data
Enter the 4-digit program number you would like
to fill. For example, Program 11-02 would be
entered as "1102". Enter the source extension
number (the extension which contains the data to
be used) and press HOLD. Next, enter the first
extension number to be filled and press HOLD.
Enter the last extension number to be filled and
press HOLD. The data from the source extension
for that program will then be entered into the
range of extensions defined.
• 4-Digit Program Number
(no hypens)
• Source Extension Number
• First Extension Number in
• Last Extension Number in
No. Program Name
11-02 Extension Numbering
11-04 Virtual Extension Numbering
11-06 ACI Extension Numbering
11-07 Department Group Pilot Numbers
11-08 ACI Group Pilot Number
11-17 ACD Group Pilot Number