Program 22 : Incoming Call Setup
22-11 : DID Translation Number Conversion
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1073
22-11 : DID Translation Number Conversion
Use Program 22-11 : DID Translation Table Number Conversion to specify for each Translation
Table entry (2000):
●The digits received by the system (eight max.)
●The extension the system dials after translation (24 digits max.)
●The name that should show on the dialed extension’s display when it rings (twelve characters
●The Transfer Target-1 and 2
If the Transfer Targets are busy or receive no answer, those calls are transferred to the
final transfer destination (Program 22-10).
●Operation mode
Use the following chart when entering and editing text for names. Press the key once for the first
character, twice for the second character, etc. For example, to enter a C, press “2” three times.
Note: The item numbers indicated below are different when using PCPro/WebPro. Refer to the
program within the PCPro/WebPro application to determine the correct item number.
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
SA • Available. • Available.
• Option 11 available. • Option 11 available with software 1.11+.
With Software 2.05+:
Key for Entering Names
When entering names in the procedures below, refer to this chart. Names can be up to 12 digits long.
For prior software or when using i-Series phones, refer to the charts in the Name Storing feature
(page 432).
Use this keypad digit . . . When you want to. . .
1 Enter characters:
1 @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { | } →→
→→ ←←
←← Á À Â Ã Ç É Ê ì ó
2 Enter characters A-C, a-c, 2.
3 Enter characters D-F, d-f, 3.
4 Enter characters G-I, g-i, 4.
5 Enter characters J-L, j-l, 5.
6 Enter characters M-O, m-o, 6.
7 Enter characters P-S, p-s, 7.
8 Enter characters T-V, t-v, 8.
9 Enter characters W-Z, w-z, 9.
0 Enter characters:
0 ! “ # $ % & ’ ( ) ô Õ ú ä ö ü α ε θ
* Enter characters:
* + , - . / : ; < = > ? π ∑ σ Ω ∞ ¢ £
# # = Accepts an entry (only required if two letters on the same key are needed - ex: TOM).
Pressing # again = Space. (In system programming mode, use the right arrow soft key
instead to accept and/or add a space.)
CONF Clear the character entry one character at a time.
CLEAR Clear all the entries from the point of the flashing cursor and to the right.