Program 11 : System Numbering
11-17 : ACD Group Pilot NumberAspire Software Manual Programming ◆835
11-17 : ACD Group Pilot Number
Use Program 11-17 : ACD Group Pilot Number to assign the ACD Master Number for each
ACD Group. This is the number users dial to transfer calls to the ACD Group. Normally, you
should use unassigned extension numbers (e.g., 600) for the master number. If you want to use an
extension number which, by default, has a port number assigned (for example: in the 301-499,
5000-5312 ), first remove the default assignment. For example, to use extension number 325 as an
ACD Master Number, first give extension port 025 a different extension assignment.
Input Data
No ACD Group Pilot Numbers assigned to any ACD Group (1-64).
Feature Cross Reference
●Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
●Multiple Directory Numbers/Call Coverage Keys
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Not Available. • Available.
ACD Group Number 01-64
Item No. ACD Group Pilot Number
01 Dial (Up to 8 digits)