Program 41 : ACD Setup
41-06 : Trunk Work SchedulesAspire Software Manual Programming ◆1263
41-06 : Trunk Work Schedules
Use Program 41-06 : Trunk Work Schedules to set up the Work Schedules for trunks. For each
Work Schedule (1-4), designate the start and stop times for each of the eight Work Periods. Once
you set up the schedules, assign them to days of the week in Program 41-07. (This is the same pro-
gram used by the ACD Agent Work Schedules.)
Input Data
Feature Cross Reference
●Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
SA • Not Available. • Available.
ACD Work Schedule Time Pattern Number 1-4
Item No. Work Period
Mode Number Start Time End Time Default
01 1-8 0000-2359 0000-2359 (Start) 0000
(End) 0000