Program 82 : Basic Hardware Setup for Extension
82-01 : Incoming Ring Tone
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1417
Program 82 : Basic Hardware Setup for Extension
82-01 : Incoming Ring Tone
Use Program 82-01 : Incoming Ring Tone to set the incoming ring tones, which are the tones a
user hears when a call rings an extension. These tones are grouped into four ring tone Ranges (1-4),
also called patterns, that consist of a combination of frequencies. (You assign a specific Range to
trunks in Program 22-03 and to extensions in Program 15-02.) Within each Range there are three
frequency Types: High, Middle and Low. (Service Code 820 allows users to choose the Type for
their incoming calls.) Each Type in turn consists of two frequencies and the modulation “played”
simultaneously to make up the tone. These frequencies are determined by their Frequency Number
selected in Items 1 and 2 (see below). In this program, you assign the two Frequency Numbers and
Modulation for each Type, for each of the four Ranges. The chart below shows the default Fre-
quency Numbers for each Type in each Range.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
MF • Available. • Available.
Incoming Ringing Tone Number 1 = Pattern 1 (Trunk Incoming)
2 = Pattern 2 (Trunk Incoming)
3 = Pattern 3 (Trunk Incoming)
4 = Pattern 4 (Trunk Incoming)
5 = Intercom Incoming Pattern
Ringing Tone Type Number 1 = High
2 = Mid
3 = Low
No. Item Input Data
01 Frequency 1 1 = 520Hz
2 = 540Hz
3 = 660Hz
4 = 760Hz
5 = 1100Hz
6 = 1400Hz
7 = 2000Hz
02 Frequency 2
03 Modulation 0 = No modulation
1 = 8Hz modulation
2 = 16Hz modulation
3 = envelope