Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
126 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
➻41-05-01 : ACD Agent Work Schedules
Set up the Work Schedules for ACD Agents and Groups. For each ACD Work Schedule (1-4),
designate the start and stop times for each of the eight Work Periods. Once you set up the
schedules in this program, assign them to days of the week in Program 41-07. (This is the
same program used by the Trunk Work Schedules.)
➻41-06-01 : Trunk Work Schedules
Set up the Work Schedules for trunks. For each Work Schedule (1-4), designate the start and
stop times for each of the eight Work Periods. Once you set up the schedules, assign them to
days of the week in Program 41-07. (This is the same program used by the ACD Agent Work
➻41-07-01 : ACD Weekly Schedule Setup
Assign the four Work Schedules (1-4) to days of the week (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday). The
assignments you make in this program apply to both the ACD Agent Work Schedules (Pro-
gram 41-05) and the Trunk Work Schedules (Program 41-06).
➻41-08-01 : ACD Overflow Options - Overflow Operation Mode
For each ACD Group (1-64), assign the overflow mode (0-9). Each ACD Group can have
unique overflow options.
➻41-08-02 : ACD Overflow Options - ACD Overflow Destination
For each ACD Group (1-64), assign the destination ACD group (1-64) or option (65=overflow
table in Program 41-09, 66=Voice Mail Integration (in-skin voice mail), 67=Off Premise (see
Program 41-08-05), 68=Incoming Ring Group (see Program 41-08-06).
➻41-08-03 : ACD Overflow Options - Delay Announcement Source Type
For each ACD Group (1-64), assign the announcement message types. Delay announcement
functions are not available for ACD pilot number call. Each ACD Group can have unique
overflow options.
➻41-08-04 : ACD Overflow Options - ACD Overflow Transfer Time
For each ACD Group (1-64), assign the overflow transfer time (0-64800 seconds).
➻41-08-05 : ACD Overflow Options - Abbreviated Dial Area When Overflow)
This program defines which Abbreviated Dial dial to use when Program 41-08-02 is pro-
grammed with an entry of ’67’.
Entries: 0 – 1999 (Abbreviated dial areas)
➻41-08-06 : ACD Overflow Options - Incoming Ring Group When Overflow
This program defines which incoming Ring Group to use when Program 41-08-02 is pro-
grammed with an entry of ’68’.
Entries: 1 – 100 (Incoming Ring Group)
➻41-09-01 : ACD Overflow Table Setting
Define the ACD group (01-64) to which a call will be transferred when overflow occurs and its
priority (1-7). If, while the call is ringing, the extension to which the call was transferred
becomes available, both the extension and the overflow ACD group will ring.
➻41-10-01 : PGDAD Delay Announcement - 1st Delay Announcement PGDAD Port Number
For each ACD group (01-64), define the PGDAD port number (0-96) to be used for the first
delay announcement. This program is activated when the delay announcement source and
options are assigned as PGDAD in Program 41-08.
➻41-10-02 : PGDAD Delay Announcement - 2nd Delay Announcement PGDAD Port
For each ACD group (01-64), define the PGDAD port number (0-96) to be used for the second
delay announcement. This program is activated when the delay announcement source and
options are assigned as PGDAD in Program 41-08.
➻41-10-03 : PGDAD Delay Announcement - 1st Delay Announcement Connection Timer
For each ACD group (01-64), set the timer the system waits before playing the first delay
announcement (0-64800 seconds).