Music on Hold
430 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
Programming (Cont’d)
➻10-04-01 : Music on Hold Setup - Music on Hold Source Selection
Determine whether the system should use internal (0), external (1) music source, or internal
service tone (2). If set to ‘1’, Program 14-08-01 must be set to ‘0’ or ‘1’.
➻10-04-02 : Music on Hold Setup - Music Selection for Internal Source
Set the Music on Hold selection. The options are 0 (silence), 1-2 (synthesized music selections).
➻10-04-03 : Music on Hold Setup - Audio Gain Setup
Set the Music on Hold audio gain (1-63).
➻10-21-01 : NTCPU Hardware Setup - External Source Control Switch Selection
Specify the function of the relay switch for external tone source control (0=external/internal
MOH source, 1=BGM source, 2=external speaker, 3=general purpose relay).
➻14-08-01 : Music on Hold Source for Trunks
For each trunk, set the Music on Hold source (0=NTCPU, 1=Customer-provided source connected
to BGM port, 2=Customer-provided source connected to ACI port).
➻14-08-02 : Music on Hold Source Port Number
If the MOH type is “2” in 14-08-01, for each trunk enter the ACI source port number (1 – 96).
➻20-06-01 : Class of Service for Extensions
Assign a Class Of Service (1-15) to an extension.
➻20-07-02 : Class of Service Options (Administrator Level) - Changing the Music on Hold
In an extension’s Class of Service, enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to change
the Music on Hold tone (Service Code 881).
➻33-01-01 : ACI Port Type Setup
If ACI software port is designated for MOH in 14-08-01, set port’s function to 1 (input).
➻80-01-01 : Service Tone Setup, Music On Hold Tone, Service Tone 64
If required, change the tone heard by the user when placed on hold when Program 10-04-01
set to "2".
When Using a PGDAD Module:
➻10-03-01 : PCB Setup - Terminal Type
If a PGDAD module is used for the external music source, the module will automatically be
assigned type ‘9’ if the jumper straps in the module have been set prior to connecting it to the
system. If another type has been assigned, disconnect the PGDAD from the system, delete the
type setting, and, with the jumper straps positioned correctly in the PGDAD module, recon-
nect the module to the system. Refer to the Aspire Hardware Manual (P/N 0893100) for the
jumper strap settings.
➻11-06-01 : ACI Extension Numbering
Each ACI port must be assigned an extension number. Use this program to assign the exten-
sion numbers to ACI software ports. Select a number outside of the normal extension number
Aspire S: ACI Ports 1-8
Aspire: ACI Ports 1-96
➻11-08-01 : ACI Group Pilot Number
Assign pilot numbers to ACI groups. When a user dials the pilot number, they reach an avail-
able ACI software port within the group.
Aspire S: ACI Groups 1-4
Aspire: ACI Groups 1-16