Aspire Software Manual Features ◆345
➻15-02-08 : Multi-Line Telephone Basic Data Setup - Automatic Handsfree
Use this option to set whether pressing a key access a One-Touch Key (1) or if it pre-selects
the key (0).
➻15-02-16 : Multi-Line Telephone Basic Data Setup - Handsfree Operation
Enable (1) or disable (0) an extensions ability to use the speakerphone on outside calls. Users
can hear the conversation, but cannot respond handsfree.
➻20-06-01 : Class of Service for Extensions
Assign Class of Service (1-15) to extensions.
➻20-02-12 : System Options for Multi-Line Telephones - Forced Intercom Ringing
Use this option to enable (1) or disable (0) Forced Intercom Ringing. If enabled, incoming
Intercom calls normally ring. If disabled, Intercom calls voice-announce.
➻20-09-05 : Class of Service Options (Incoming Call Service) - Setting Handsfree Answer-
back or Forced Intercom Ringing
Allow (1) or prevent (0) an extension from enabling Handsfree Answerback or Forced Inter-
com Ringing for their incoming Intercom calls
Related Features
Central Office Calls, Answering / Central Office Calls, Placing
Extensions should be programmed for incoming and outgoing access, ringing, etc.
Handsfree Answerback
Answer Intercom calls without lifting the handset - just speak toward the phone.
Microphone Cutoff
For privacy, mute the phones microphone while on a call.
Single Line Telephones
Handsfree and Monitor are not available to single line telephones.
Prime Line Selection
Prime Line Selection affects how incoming and outgoing calls are handled and thus deter-
mines what happens when the user presses the SPK key.
To talk Handsfree:
1. Press SPK, CALL key or line key.
2. Place call.
3. Speak toward phone when called party answers.
To change a handset call into a Handsfree call:
1. Press SPK.
2. Press SPK to hang up.
To change a Handsfree call into a handset call:
1. Lift handset.