Program 84 : Hardware Setup for VoIP
84-16 : VOIPU Limiter Control Gain Setup1478 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
84-16 : VOIPU Limiter Control Gain Setup
Use Program 84-16 : VOIPU Limiter Control Gain Setup to set the gains for the VOIPU PCB.
Input Data
Feature Cross Reference
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available with software 1.11+.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 RX Limiter Control Gain
This option controls the limiter gain for IP to
PCM direction. This option adds gain to the
voice input from the LAN and removes it from
the voice output to highway.
0-30 (-15 ~ +15)
0 = -15 dBM
1 = -14 dBm
15 = 0 dBm
29 = 14 dBm
30 = 15 dBm
(+10 dBm)
02 TX Limiter Control Gain
This option controls the limiter gain for PCM
to IP direction. This option adds the gain to the
voice input from highway and removes it from
the voice output to the LAN.
15 (0
03 RX Limiter Control Gain - COIU
This option controls the limiter gain for a
COIU call in the IP to PCM direction.
15 (0
04 TX Limiter Control Gain - COIU
This option controls the limiter gain for a
COIU call in the PCM to IP direction.
15 (0