Program 90 : Maintenance Program
90-12 : System Alarm Output1522 ◆Programming Aspire Software Manual
90-12 : System Alarm Output
Use Program 90-12 : System Alarm Output to set the options for the alarm report. This program
has 6 separate menu options. Define the output port to be used as the output for system alarm report
and set the system alarm options. The system can have up to 50 reports.
Input Data
Feature Cross Reference
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
Item No. Item Input Data Default
01 Output Port Type
Indicate the type of connection used
for the System Alarms. The baud
rate for the COM port should be set
in Program 10-21-02.
0 = No setting
1 = COM port (NTCPU)
2 = USB port (NTCPU)
3 = -- Reserve –
02 Destination Extension Number
If the output port type (item 1) is set
to CTA/CTU, enter the extension
number with the CTA/CTU connec-
Extension Number
(Up to 8 digits) No setting
03 Output All Alarm Reports Print All? (Yes = 1) -
04 Printout New Alarm Reports Print New? (Yes = 1) -
05 Clear All Alarm Reports All Clear? (Yes = 1) -
06 Output Mode 0 = Manual
1 = Auto 0