Toll Restriction, Dial Block
Aspire Software Manual Features ◆577
Toll Restriction, Dial Block
Toll Restriction Dial Block lets a user temporarily block an extension’s Toll Restriction. This helps
a user block his or her phone from being used by another person while they are away from their
desk. A user would need to enter a 4-digit personal code to enable/disable this feature.
Dial Block can also be set by the system administrator. If Dial Block has already been set by an
extension user, the supervisor can not release it. Additionally, if Dial Block has been set by the
supervisor, and extension user can not release it.
Important: This function works by password and Class of Service control (the supervisor is not an
assigned extension). If Dial Block is available for all Classes of Service, everyone may become a
supervisor if they know the Dial Block password.
(A.) If the system is reset by a cold start, the Dial Block feature is cleared.
(B.) This feature is not available for ISDN S-Bus extensions.
(C.) Both Programs 21-09-01 and 21-10 can be set at the same time. The system gives priority to
the setting in Program 21-10.
Default Setting
➻11-10-17 : Service Code Setup (for System Administrator) - Dial Block by Supervisor
Assign a service code (101 by default) to be used by the supervisor to set Dial Block for
another extension.
➻11-11-33 : Service Code Setup (for Setup/Entry Operation) - Dial Block
Assign a service code (100 by default) to be used for Dial Block at a user’s extension.
➻20-06-01 : Class of Service for Extensions
Assign a COS to each extension (1-15).
➻20-08-08 : Class of Service Options (Outgoing Call Service) - Toll Restriction Dial Block
Enable (1) or disable (0) an extension’s ability to use Dial Block.
➻21-09-01 : Dial Block Setup - Toll Restriction Class With Dial Block
Assign a Toll Restriction Class of Service (1-15) when the Dial Block feature is used by the
supervisor extension.
➻21-09-02 : Dial Block Setup - Supervisor Password
Assign a 4-digit password to be used by the supervisor or extension user to enable or disable
Dial Block for extensions.
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