Central Office Calls, Answering
214 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
➻22-01-02 : System Options for Incoming Calls - Incoming Call Ring No Answer Alarm
Enable (1) or disable (0) the Incoming Call RNA Alarm. If enabled, the ring cadence will
change for a call that rings longer than the interval set in 22-01-03.
➻22-01-03 : System Options for Incoming Calls - Ring No Answer Alarm Time
Set the Ring No Answer Alarm interval (0-64800 seconds). If a trunk rings a keyset longer
than this interval, the system changes the ring cadence.
➻22-01-04 : System Options for Incoming Calls - DIL No Answer Time
If an incoming trunk call rings longer than this interval, it reroutes to the Ring Group set in
Program 22-08.
➻22-02-01 : Incoming Call Trunk Setup
Select the trunk type (0=normal, 1=VRS, 2=DISA, 3=DID, 4=DIL, 5=E&M tie line,
6=delayed DID, 7=ANI/DNIS) for each trunk at each time mode (1-8).
➻22-03-01 : Trunk Ring Tone Range
Assign Ring Tone Ranges to trunks. Customize the tones within each Ring Tone Range in 82-
01. Trunks ring extensions according to the Ring Tone Range selected in 22-03 and the set-
tings made with either Service Code 820 or Program 15-02-02.
➻22-04-01 : Incoming Extension Ring Group Assignment
To have trunks ring extensions, assign extensions to ring groups. For each extension in the
Ring Group, indicate in Program 22-06 if trunks should ring (1) or not ring (0).
➪Aspire S Ring Groups: 1-8, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail
➪Aspire Ring Groups: 1-100, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail
➻22-05-01 : Incoming Trunk Ring Group Assignment
To have the trunks ring extensions, assign trunks to a Ring Group. The incoming ring group
assignment programmed in 41-03-01 overrides the setting in this program.
➻22-06-01 : Normal Incoming Ring Mode
Indicate whether the trunks in the Ring Group assigned in 22-04 should ring (1) or not ring
➻22-07-01 : DIL Assignment
Assign the destination extension or Department Call Group pilot number (as assigned in 11-
07-01) for each DIL incoming trunk (001-200).
➻22-08-01 : DIL/IRG No Answer Destination
If an incoming trunk call rings longer than the DIL No Answer Time (Program 22-01-04), it
routes to the destination you specify in this option. Determine if the destination should be a
Ring Group, In-Skin/External Voice Mail, or Central Voice Mail.
➪Aspire S Ring Groups: 1-8, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail
➪Aspire Ring Groups: 1-100, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail
➻22-16-01 : Private Call Refuse Target Area Setup
This program defines the ABB group number for Private Call Refuse (0 = No Setting or ABB
Group Number)
➪Aspire S: ABB Group Number 1 – 9
➪Aspire: ABB Group Number 1 – 64
➻22-18-01 : Private Call Assignment Setup - Transfer Mode
When using Flexible Ringing by Caller ID, use this program to determine whether the call
plays the VRS message (0), rings an internal number (1), or rings an incoming ring group (2).
➻22-18-02 : Private Call Assignment Setup - Transfer Mode
If Program 22-18-01 is set to 1 or 2, use this program to determine the number or ring group
to be dialed. With internal dial (1), enter the digits to be dialed (up to 24 including 0-9, *, #, P,
R, @). With the ring group (2), enter the ring group to which the call should be sent.
➪Aspire S Ring Groups: 1-8, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail
➪Aspire Ring Groups: 1-100, 102=In-Skin/External Voice Mail, 103=Centralized Voice Mail