Program 10 : System Configuration Setup
10-06 : ISDN BRI SetupAspire Software Manual Programming ◆739
10-06 : ISDN BRI Setup
Use Program 10-06 : ISDN BRI Setup to define the TEI selection and DID mode for DID callers
when the BRI feature is used.
Enter the SPID (Service Profile ID) assigned to each of the system’s BRI ISDN lines. Each BRI
PCB has a maximum of two lines and each line can have a maximum of two SPIDs. To use both
channels of a BRI ISDN line, two directory numbers must be ordered from telco. A SPID is
assigned for each directory number.
Input Data
- INDEX-1 -
- INDEX-2 -
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
Slot Number 01-16
ISDN Line Number 01-08
No. Item Input Data Default
01 TEI Selection
Set the method the system
will use when assigning Ter-
minal Endpoint Identifier
(TEI) values to BRI ports.
0 = Select by SPID number
1 = Select by Channel ID number 0
02 DID Mode 0 = Route by Called Party Number
1 = Route by Redirecting Number 0
03 SPID 1 Dial (up to 20 digits) No Setting
04 SPID 2 Dial (up to 20 digits) No setting