Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
128 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
➻41-14-02 : ACD Options - Wrap Up Mode
Set the Wrap Up Mode option (0=After wrap up mode key is pressed, 1=After call is finished
automatically) for ACD Groups (01-64). Use Program 15-07 to assign an ACD Wrap-Up
Mode key (*17) to ACD agents.
➻41-14-03 : ACD Options - ACD Priority for Overflow Calls
Set the priority for overflow calls (0=own group priority, 1=priority set by Program 41-03-03)
for ACD Groups (01-64).
➻41-14-04 : ACD Options - Automatic Answer in Headset Mode
Set the Automatic Answer option (0=off, 1=on) for the headset mode for ACD Groups (01-64).
➻41-14-06 : ACD Options - Transfer to ACD Extension With 2nd Delay Announcement
For each ACD Group (01-64), determine whether an outside caller should hear a final
announcement [ex: the company closed] (1) or whether the caller should be placed back into
queue for the ACD group (0).
➻41-14-07 : ACD Options - Automatic Off Duty
For each ACD Group (01-64), determine whether or not a keyset automatically changes to off-
duty mode (0=not changed, 1=changed automatically). The keyset must have an Off-Duty key
assigned (Program 15-07-01 or SC 852: *13).
➻41-14-08 : ACD Options - ACD Off Duty Mode
For each ACD Group (01-64), determine whether or not an agent can receive an internal call
in off-duty mode (0=can not receive, 1=can receive).
➻41-14-09 : ACD Options - Automatic Wrap Up End Time
For each ACD Group (01-64), set how long the system waits before automatically ending
wrap up time (0=disabled or 1-64800 seconds).
➻41-14-10 : ACD Options - ACD Answer of Incoming Call/No Answer Skip Time
For each ACD Group (01-64), set how long a call into the ACD Group will ring an idle exten-
sion before routing to the next agent (0=disabled or 1-64800 seconds). This timer must be
greater than Program 20-04-03 : Delay Ring Timer for the ACD Call Coverage Key with
delayed ringing to work.
➻41-14-12 : ACD Options - Start Headset Ear Piece Ringing (SLT)
For each ACD Group (01-64), set how long the system waits before starting headset ear piece
ringing for single line sets (0=disabled or 1-64800 seconds).
➻41-15-01 : ACD Queue Alarm Information - ACD Queue Alarm
For each ACD Group (01-64), determine the number of calls required in queue to activate the
alarm (0-200). Do not use this program if the alarm options are defined in Program 41-20-01
through 41-20-05.
➻41-15-02 : ACD Queue Alarm Information - Alarm Interval
For each ACD Group (01-64), determine the interval for displaying the alarm information (0-
64800 seconds). Do not use this program if the alarm options are defined in Program 41-20-
01 through 41-20-05.
➻41-16-01 : ACD Threshold Overflow - Number of Calls in Queue
For each ACD group (01-64), define the maximum number of calls in ACD queue (0=no limit,
1-200) before the call overflows.
➻41-16-02 : ACD Threshold Overflow - Operation Mode for ACD Queue
For each ACD group (01-64), determine how the system handles ACD calls when the maxi-
mum number of ACD calls in queue has been reached (0=longest waiting call is transferred,
1=last waiting call is transferred, 2=busy signal sent).