Program 35 : SMDR and Account Code Setup
35-02 : SMDR Output Options
Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆1221
35-02 : SMDR Output Options
Use Program 35-02 : SMDR Output Options to set the SMDR (Station Message Detail Record-
ing) output options for each of the 8 SMDR ports. Refer to the following chart for a description of
each option, its range and default setting.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Available. • Available.
• Option 15 enhanced with software 4.0E+.
• Options 17 and 18 require software 4.0E+.
• Option 15 enhanced with software 4.0E+.
• Options 17 and 18 require software 4.0E+.
SMDR Port Number Aspire S: 1-2
Aspire: 1-8
No. Item Input Data Default
01 Toll Restricted Call
SMDR can include or exclude calls blocked by
Toll Restriction.
0=Not Displayed
1=Displayed 1
02 PBX Calls
When the system is behind a PBX, SMDR can
include all calls or just calls dialed using the
PBX trunk access code.
0=Not Displayed
1=Displayed 1
03 Trunk Number or Name
Select whether the system should display the
trunk name (0) or the number (1) on SMDR
reports. If this option is set to “0”, Program
35-02-14 must be set to “0”.
1=Number 1
04 Summary (Daily)
Set this option to (1) to have the SMDR report
provide a daily summary (at midnight every
0=Not Displayed
1=Displayed 1
05 Summary (Weekly)
Set this option to (1) to have the SMDR report
provide a weekly summary (every Saturday at
0=Not Displayed
1=Displayed 1
06 Summary (Monthly)
Set this option to (1) to have the SMDR report
provide a monthly summary (at midnight on
the last day of the month).
0=Not Displayed
1=Displayed 1