Direct Inward System Access (DISA)
Aspire Software Manual Features 301
25-11-01 : DISA Toll Restriction Class
If the system uses Toll Restriction, enter a Toll Restriction Class (1-15) for each DISA user (1-
15). The system uses the Toll Restriction Class you enter in Program 21-05. The Toll Restric-
tion Class assigned to a DISA call is based on the DISA Class of Service, which is determined
by the password the caller dials. You cannot use Program 21-04 to assign Toll Restriction to
DISA trunks.
25-12-01 : Alternate Trunk Group Routing for DISA
Assign the trunk route that DISA Caller’s access if they dial the Alternate Trunk Route Access
Code. Refer to “Central Ofce Calls, Placing” for more on setting up Alternate Trunk Route
25-13-02 : System Option for DISA - Continue Code for DISA Trunk-to-Trunk
With software through 2.68, enter a single digit Continue Code for the DISA call to use to
immediately disconnect or continue their outside call. With software 4.0E+, use Program 20-
25-13-03 : System Option for DISA - Disconnect Code for DISA Trunk-to-Trunk
With software through 2.68, enter a single digit Disconnect for the DISA call to use to imme-
diately disconnect or continue their outside call. With software 4.0E+, use Program 20-28-02.
80-03-01 : DTMF Tone Receiver Setup
80-04-01 : Call Progress Tone Detector Setup
If required, modify the criteria for dial tone detection and call progress tone detection for
DTMF tones for inbound DTMF DISA calls.
Trunk Disconnect Continue/Disconnect Codes (Requires software 4.0E+)
14-01-25 : Basic Trunk Data Setup - Continue/Disconnect Trunk-to-Trunk Conversation
When Program 24-02-10 is set to disconnect a trunk after the dened time, determine whether
or not a user should have the ability to use the continue/disconnect code (Entries: 0 = Dis-
abled, 1 = Enabled).
20-28-01 : System Option Setup - Conversation Continue Code
When Program 14-01-25 is enabled, determine the 1-digit code the user should dial (0 - 9, *,
#) to extend the conversation length for the time dened in 20-28-03. If the Continue and Dis-
connect codes are programmed the same (e.g., #), the system will follow the "Continue" oper-
ation. Using the Continue code before the warning tone is heard has no action.
20-28-02 : System Option Setup - Conversation Disconnect Code
When Program 14-01-25 is enabled, determine the 1-digit code the user should dial (0 - 9, *,
#) to immediately disconnect their call. Using the Disconnect code before the warning tone is
heard will disconnect the call.
20-28-03 : System Option Setup - Conversation Extend Time
When Program 14-01-25 is enabled, determine the length of time a call will be extended (0 -
64800 seconds) when the user dials the Continue code (dened in 20-28-01).
24-02-07 : System Options for Transfer - Forced Release for Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer
This timer will start when a trunk begins talking with another trunk (for example: trunk-to-
trunk transfer/Tandem Trunking). When this timer expires, a warning tone is heard. If Pro-
gram 24-02-10 is set, the conversation disconnects after that timer expires. This timer is set
again when the external digit timer expires. One of the trunks used must be an analog trunk
(or leased line). Entries: 0 - 64800 (seconds)
24-02-10 : System Options for Transfer - Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer Disconnect Timer
Determine how long a conversation will continue (0 - 64800 seconds) once the timer in Pro-
gram 24-02-07 expires. If this option is set to "0", the conversation will be disconnected
immediately. This program has no affect if Program 24-02-07 is set to "0". One of the trunks
used must be an analog trunk (or leased line).