Program 11 : System Numbering
11-13 : Service Code Setup (for ACD)Aspire Software Manual Programming ◆827
11-13 : Service Code Setup (for ACD)
Use Program 11-13 : Service Code Setup (for ACD) to customize the Service Codes which are used
with the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) feature. You can customize additional Service Codes in Pro-
grams 11-10 through 11-12 and 11-14 through 11-16. The following chart shows:
●The number of each code (01-09)
●The function of the Service Code.
●What type of telephones can use the Service Code
●The code’s default entry.
If you change a Service Code, be sure to record your entry in the “New” column.
Input Data
Level: Aspire S Aspire M/L/XL
IN • Not Available. • Available.
No. Item Terminals Default New
01 ACD Log In / Log Out (for KTS) KTS, SLT *5
02 ACD Log Out (for SLT) SLT 155
03 Set ACD Wrap-Up Time (for SLT) SLT 156
04 Cancel ACD Wrap-Up Time (for SLT) SLT 157
05 Set ACD Off Duty (for SLT) SLT 158
06 Cancel ACD Off Duty (for SLT) SLT 159
07 ACD Conversation Recording (for SLT) SLT 160
08 ACD AIC Login
Allows an AIC Agent to log into a group. KTS No setting
09 ACD AIC Logout
Allows an AIC Agent to log out of a group. KTS No setting
10 ACD Agent Login by Supervisor
Allows an ACD Supervisor to log into a group. KTS 167
11 ACD Agent Logout by Supervisor
Allows an ACD Supervisor to log out of a group. KTS 168
12 Change Agent ACD Group by Supervisor
When using service code 169 to change an agent’s ACD
group, the supervisor must enter a 2-digit number for the
group. For example, to change to ACD group 4, the entry
would be ‘169 04’.
KTS 169