Trunk Group Routing
596 ◆Features Aspire Software Manual
➻15-06-01 : Trunk Access Map for Extensions
Access Map programming may limit Trunk Group Routing options.
➪Aspire S: Trunk Access Maps 1-8
➪Aspire: Trunk Access Maps 1-200
➻15-07 : Programming Function Keys
Assign a function key for Trunk Group Routing access (code *02 + trunk group #).
➪Aspire S Trunk Groups: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Groups: 1-100
➻21-02-01 : Trunk Group Routing for Extensions
Assign the routes set in Program 14-06 to extensions.
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100
➻21-15-01 : Alternate Trunk Route for Extensions
Designate the trunk route accessed when a user dials the Alternate Trunk Route Access Code
assigned in Program 11-09-02. Trunk Group Routing is set up in Program 14-06.
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100
➻23-03-01 : Universal Answer/Auto Answer
Assign trunk routes set in Program 14-06 to extensions for Universal Answer. If the call ring-
ing the paging system is in an extension’s assigned route, the user can dial the Universal
Answer code (#0) to pick up the call. This program also allows an extension user to automati-
cally answer trunk calls ringing other extensions, based on Trunk Group Routing program-
ming (defined in Program 14-06).
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100
➻25-10-01 : Trunk Group Routing for DISA
Assign the Trunk Group Route chosen when a user places a DISA call into the system and
dials 9. The Trunk Group Routing is defined in Program 14-06. If the system has ARS, dialing
9 accesses ARS. The route chosen is based on the DISA Class of Service, which is determined
by the password the caller dials.
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100
➻25-12-01 : Alternate Trunk Group Routing for DISA
Define the trunk route selected when a DISA caller dials the Alternate Trunk Access Code
assigned in Program 11-09-02. The route selected is based on the DISA caller’s Class of Ser-
vice, which is in turn determined by the password the caller dial. Program 14-06 is used to set
up the Trunk Group Routing.
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100
➻34-03-01 : Trunk Group Routing for E&M Tie Lines
Use this program to assign the Trunk Group Route chosen when a user seizes a tie line and
dials 9. Set Trunk Group Routing in Program 14-06. If the system has ARS, dialing 9 accesses
➪Aspire S Trunk Group Routes: 1-8
➪Aspire Trunk Group Routes: 1-100